College or bust. Forget football, forget rugby. In the town where I live, the college admissions process is more competitive than any contact sport. This blog chronicles the process.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Competition at Every Turn


A’s final interview yesterday, for Brown. They met at Peet’s Coffee in Newton Centre. On his way in he ran into another blue-blazer clad classmate en route to his Princeton interview. The competition, literally, is around every corner.
As for the interview, who knows? A is relaxed about it all now. We both have a “throw our hands up in the air” attitude. What else can he do?
The woman who interviewed him was about my age, mid forties. A liked her, though worries that he lost an opportunity to give a good answer. When she asked how he spent his last summer, he blanked. All he could think of was the MIT paradox class. Ideally, he would have told her about studying for his A+ exam. But wait, he can mention that in his thank you note to her. In fact, it will make the note that much better. I send A an email saying just this. He is such a patient kid, and I know I am over-controlling and annoying. May this be one of my last e-mail "suggestions."

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