College or bust. Forget football, forget rugby. In the town where I live, the college admissions process is more competitive than any contact sport. This blog chronicles the process.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

When or If?

Last night at dinner A and his Dad got into an animated conversation about some physics problem. Terms like "vertex" and "momentum" and "friction" were bandied about, along with strings of equations that, of course, we all should know. I made no attempt to feign interest. Once it was determined that the rotation of the ball bearing in question is what led to its energy loss, I suggested we pass the potatoes and move on to other topics. Preferably in English. This is when Dad leans back in his chair and waxes on about MIT in general, his physics classes in particular, and reminisces about just how hard it was.

To which A responds: "Believe me, when I go to MIT I'm going with my tail between my legs." He quickly corrects himself and restates: "If I go to MIT." It was an interesting slip. We'll know soon enough if it was prescient.

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