College or bust. Forget football, forget rugby. In the town where I live, the college admissions process is more competitive than any contact sport. This blog chronicles the process.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Understated, but no less elated

A came to us the other evening and said, rather casually, that he'd gotten in to Carnegie-Mellon. His enthusiasm was tempered somewhat by the fact that he didn't get into the most competitive C-M school, The School of Computer Science, but instead got into his second choice, The Mellon School of Science. And this is a bad thing why, exactly? Truth be told it's the better place for him. It will allow him to indulge his interest in computers, while still enabling him to pursue other interests in science and (I hope) writing.

This is all good. It's all great. Our reaction somewhat muted as well, however, as we do not yet have an acceptance letter in hand. Once we receive it, then I think excitement will set in big time. If he gets in nowhere else, Carnegie-Mellon is a place he can be proud to go. And a place we'd be proud to send him.

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